Electric Vehicles vs Conventional Vehicles
We can expect people to move towards greener cars as countries implement measures to reduce carbon emissions.
Follow along with TR as he shares his experiences in the industry - the highs, the lows, and everything that falls in between.
We can expect people to move towards greener cars as countries implement measures to reduce carbon emissions.
The shift from learning and working in physical spaces to online platforms is one of the biggest shifts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Peralihan daripada pembelajaran dan bekerja dalam ruang fizikal kepada platform dalam talian merupakan salah satu daripada peralihan terbesar yang berlaku akibat pandemik Covid-19.
As the world population increases, so will the demand for energy. We need long-term, sustainable energy sources without decimating the planet.
Anyone with no access to technology will lose out on gaining information and opportunities, and their prospects will be dimmer than the person who does.
Kita bukan sahaja perlu menyediakan peralatan yang diperlukan tetapi mengajar mereka cara untuk menggunakannya.
The Net Energy Metering (NEM) started as a government-led initiative to encourage electricity consumers to produce solar energy for domestic use.
We need to rethink how we do charity, and we need to rethink how we approach it.
Kita perlu memikirkan semula cara kita melakukan amal dan menyelami pendekatan yang dilaksanakan.
Digital skills and dexterity will fortify both the workforce and the workplace, against the onslaught of the pandemic and the challenges it brings.
Teacher Raj is a successful social entrepreneur, an educational revolutionist and a social activist.